Allen Measurement Services provides mobile proving services to the oil and gas industry by verifying liquid measurement meters.
Our technicians are trained in the API guidelines for custody-transfer meter proving. We have technicians stationed throughout West, East, and South Texas with the availability to service all parts of Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Oklahoma.
High volume
High pressure
LACT unit meter proving
Load rack meter proving
Coriolis, turbine, ultrasonic, positive displacement meter proving
We can service all parts of Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana, Arkansas and Oklahoma
Troubleshoot measurement problems
Measurement witnessing for custody transfer meters

Our fleet of truck and trailer-mounted portable bi-directional ball prover units range from 35 to 4000 BBL capacity.
Our proving equipment is NIST traceable, and is designed and operated per the guidelines of the American Petroleum Institute (API) for custody transfer meter proving.
Each proving unit is equipped with Flow-Cal’s PROVEit® technology, which is configured to API standards to provide accurate and immediate results of meter performance to the meter witness on each job site.
Our trucks range from ANSI 150 to 600 pressure ratings.